PhD students
MSc students
Bram Vermeiden. Formal Verification of Level Crossing Control under ERTMS Hybrid Train Detection.
MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology,
Aug 2024.
Stijn Kuiper.Complete Axiomatisations of Interleaving with Deadlock and Successful Termination.
MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology,
Jun 2024.
Erik Pardijs. Finite bases in the linear time-branching time spectrum with sequential composition and successful termination.
MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology,
Dec 2023.
Isabelle Cooijmans. Verification of EULYNX light signal using mCRL2 and comparing with auto-translated model.
MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology,
Oct 2023.
Milan Hutten. Sound and Complete Axiomatizations for Divergence-Sensitive Variants of Branching Bisimilarity. MSc
Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology,
Dec 2022.
Floris Zeven. Spatial Model Checking with mCRL2. MSc
Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology,
Jun 2022.
Rowin Versteeg. From
Bisimulation to Traces: The Impact of Parallel Composition on
Finite Bases. MSc
Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology,
May 2021.
Jasper van Meer. Formal
verification of a train control system. MSc Thesis. MSc
Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology,
June 2020.
Mark Bouwman.
A model-based test platform for rail signalling
systems. MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology,
February 2019. (The mCRL2 models that were made during the project
are available: fix_read_order.mcrl2, guard_entry.mcrl2, instant_update.mcrl2, original.mcrl2.)
Lois Nijland.
Adding sequential composition and termination to the linear time - branching time spectrum. MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology, July
Astrid Belder.
Decidability of bisimilarity and axiomatisation for sequential processes in the presence of intermediate termination. MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology, July
Roxana Paval.
Modeling and verifying concurrent data structures. MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology, February
2018. (Joint supervision with Tim Willemse.)
Ka ka Tam.
Formal verification of safety requirements of a truck platooning system. MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology, October 2016.
Linda Spaninks.
An axiomatisation for rooted branching bisimulation with explicit divergence. MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology, August 2013.
Bram Senders.
Unique sequential decomposition in process algebras with 0 and 1. MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology, August 2009.
Tim Muller.
Expressivity of the Kleene star in process algebras with the empty process. MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology, August 2009.
Paul van Tilburg.
Finite equational bases for CCS with restriction. MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology, May 2007.
Michelle Baeten.
Verification and performance analysis of a paint factory. MSc Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology, March 2007. (Joint supervision with Nikola Trcka.)
PDEng students
Bachelor Research Projects